Meaning in the Colours

The colours have meanings for the the series Shape of Goddess and Finding Serenity.  Each colour portrays a quality that gives breath to the image.  Background colours also play a role as it should enhance the main images quality.  

Red – fiery, life, passion, intensity, love, danger, action, vitality, hot, fire, aggression, destruction, lust, defiance, war, romance

Orange  – success, energy, movement, creativity, joy, wind, enthusiasm, potency, warning, vigorous

Yellow/Gold – creativity, positivity, healing, intelligence, joy, enlightenment, consciousness, light, illumination, ruler, aging, caution

Green – renewal, rebirth, fertility, prosperity, abundance, nature, vitality, fruitful, prosperous, healing, life, resource, earth, beauty, creation, new cycle, bountiful, youthful, growth

Blue – calm, peace, tranquility, clarity, spiritual, rest, meditation, cold, balance, openness, freedom, water, lucid, transparency, dreams, transcendence, reflection, detachment

Purple – spiritual, royalty, mystical, wisdom, ideals, psychic, mystery, mystic, wealth, nobility, ritual, ceremony, honor, power, divinity

Brown – grounding, material, stability, commitment, decay, humble, dormant

Gray – decay, mystery, impartial, neutrality, unconscious, barrier, stability, apathy

Black – transformation, negativity, death, void, evil, other, depression, mystery, loss, unknown, destroyed, end of a cycle, completion, decay

White – peace, innocence, purity, void, cold, hopeSilver – mystical, illumination, clarity, awareness, spiritual, divinity

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